19th September 2012
Yesterday Smith and Wallwork delivered a talk on sustainable construction to the new cohort of construction masters post-graduates at Cambridge University. Themed around the drivers, barriers and opportunities in green construction the panel of speakers presented a wide range of views and ideas that were then subject to debate.
Yesterday Smith and Wallwork delivered a talk on sustainable construction to the new cohort of construction masters post-graduates at Cambridge University. Themed around the drivers, barriers and opportunities in green construction the panel of speakers presented a wide range of views and ideas that were then subject to debate.
The debate proved fascinating – two themes seemed to dominate; could the market deliver sustainable development without regulation from government?….and does the industry need to forget craft and embrace manufacture? Everyone present recognised that we are all in it together and that more collaboration was required with detailed knowledge transfer and less spin.
If you want to know more you can download a copy of what Smith and Wallwork presented here.